This is my first iOS project I worked on using Objective-C. This app fetches articles from and views them in a mobile friendly format. N4G doesn’t have a mobile layout yet and so I figured I could build an app that used the n4g RESTful API that I have written before.

The mobile app displays the first 10 articles listed in the n4g homepage. When a user taps on an article to view it, the app sends the backend a request for the article. The mobile app receives the article in an HTML encoded format which is then passed to a UIWebView where it can be properly displayed.

The HTML that was encoded contains a ‘read-mode’ version of the article that is just stripped down to the article title and body. The way I achieve this is I send a request to Readabiltys API to parse the article and receive a stripped down version of the article with only the article title and body. This takes some time on Readabilitys end so I had the backend cache articles that are requested from the mobile app and all the articles one page ahead of the current page the user is browsing in the app.
